Home → AlertMail → Using AlertMail → Updating your Account Info
2.4. Updating your Account Info
Upon logging into AlertMail, you will be directed to the Account Info page. From here you can update your name, location and address using Edit User Info, change your password with New Password, change your verification code with Edit Verification Code, and close your AlertMail account. The 3 most recent AlertMail messages are displayed at the bottom of the page. You can also select the Email Addresses and Alert Feeds sub-menus which allow you to change these types of settings.
Whenever you make any changes to your AlertMail account, you will be presented with a confirmation page. This page will detail the changes you are making and ask for a Yes or No to proceed. If you are unsure about making any change, please click No, and you will be redirected back to the main page. If you click Yes, the AlertMail system will attempt the change, and report either the success or failure of this change to you. This will appear in a yellow highlighted box at the top of the screen. If you receive an error, please attempt the change again. If this second attempt fails, please report the problem to us. Provide the date and time the error occurred and as much detail as possible.