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1.6. Area Filtering
Alerts are always issued for an affected area. In most cases this area is a predefined value, such as the entire coverage area of the alerting system, or a specific section like a whole Town or City. Some alerts, usually the most serious, use the pinpoint targeting of the Location information you have already entered, but most alerts are issued for a larger general area.
The area filtering page allows you to customize the areas you are most interested in. You can choose to get alerts for the whole area covered by the alert system, or only selected sections. For instance, you might want to receive alerts for the area in which you live, as well as the area where you work, and where your children go to school. You can select as many areas as you want, and the area maps provide additional details.
The benefit of using area filtering, is that it reduces the number of alert messages you receive. If you are not affected by an alert, then you don't receive an alert message. You can adjust these filters at any time, and they allow you to tailor the AlertMail system to fit your individual alerting needs.