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3.2. Security Concerns
AlertMail uses several features to ensure the security of your account. The use of SSL/https web connections, requiring quality passwords, and using a verification value in each email. The responsibility for securing your account remains with you however, and you should ensure you have chosen a good password, and should not give out your account info to other people. Do not forward an AlertMail email message, which contains your verification code, to someone else without first editing the forward message to remove this verification code.
Each Alert message you receive from AlertMail should include your Verification value, unless you have chosen the TXT format. The TXT format size is severely limited and does not have room to include your Verification value. Instead you should look to other sources for confirmation of an alert that you receive in the TXT format, before taking any action. The Verification value is unique and something you have personally chosen, and is used to prevent fake AlertMail messages. If you receive an alert message without this value or the value is incorrect, you should treat this message as suspicious and seek other sources for confirmation of the alert's message. Keep your Verification value secret and change it if someone else discovers it.
If you have any security concerns or feel your account may be tampered with, please contact us, providing all of the details.